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Engineer Pamphlets

EP 1-1-10 042 CERD-C Corps of Engineers Laboratory, Investigational, Research and Testing Facilities 01 May 85
EP 1-1-13 012 CELD-MS Defense Activity Address Code (DODAAC) Operating Pamphlet 01 Oct 89
EP 5-1-5 043 CEMP-MD Lessons Learned on Israeli Airbase Program 01 Sep 82
EP 11-1-3 074 CEMP-ZV Value Engineering Officer's Operational Guide 01 Jan 87
EP 11-1-4 014 CEMP-ZV Value Engineering: A Profitable Partership 15 May 95
EP 11-1-5 021 CESI To Form A More Perfect Corps 22 Jul 87
EP 11-1-7 016 CEPA-C Building for the Future - Our Purpose - Our Vision 01 Dec 93
EP 25-1-1 165 CEIM-IV Index of Publications, Forms, & Reports Control Symbols 30 Jun 95
EP 25-1-6 252 CEIM-P Command Data Model and Dictionary - Information Systems Modernization Program 11 Feb 91
EP 25-1-91 08 CEIM-IV Effective Presentations 01 Aug 90
EP 37-1-3 053 CERM-B Budget Officer's Handbook 1 May 98
EP 37-1-4 005 CERM-FP Cost of Doing Business 10 Apr 92
EP 37-1-5 008 CERM-B Budget & Manpower Resource Management Cycle 25 Feb 94
EP 37-1-6 035 CERM Resource Management Functional Guide for Civil Emergency Management Programs 01 Aug 05
EP 70-1-3 025 CERD-L Installation Support/One-Stop Service 30 May 89
EP 75-1-2 068 CEMP-RA Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) Support During Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) and Construction Activities 01 Aug 04
EP 75-1-3 225 CECW-ET Explosives - Recovered Chemical Warfare Materiel Response 30 Nov 04
EP 75-1-4 059 CEMP-RA Recurring Reviews on Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Response Actions 31 Oct 03
EP 200-1-1 024 CEPA-C Environmental Brochure 01 Jun 94
EP 200-1-2 086 CEMP-R Process and Procedures for RCRA Manifesting 28 April 00
EP 200-1-3 008 CEMP-RF Environmental Restoration at Formerly Used Defense Sites 01 Aug 94
EP 200-1-9 044 CEMP-RT Effectively Working with State and Federal Regulators 19 Aug 98
EP 200-1-10 072 CEMP-RT Green Building Technology in Hazardous Waste Cleanup Applications 10 Dec 99
EP 200-1-15 026 CESO-I Environmental Quality - Standard Scopes of Work for HTRW Risk Assessments 15 Dec 01
EP 200-2-3 58 CECW-ON Environmental Compliance Guidance and Procedures 30 Oct 96
EP 310-1-6 081 CEIM-IV Graphic Standards Manual 01 Sep 94
EP 310-1-6A 171 CECW-ON Sign Standards Manual, VOL 1 CH 1 01 Apr 85
EP 310-1-6B 171 CECW-ON Sign Standards Manual, VOL 2 CH 1 01 Apr 85
EP 350-2-1 004 CECW-EH-Y Career Development of Hydrologic and Hydraulic Engineers 15 Nov 94
EP 360-1-19 052 CEPA-C Disaster Procedure 01 May 96
EP 360-1-22 024 CEPA-C Essayons "Let Us Try!" - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 01 Oct 91
EP 380-1-1 025 CEPM-S "I'm Cleared! (for what?)" Note: Applicable to HQUSACE only - STOCKED AND ISSUED BY PROPONENT 30 May 89
EP 385-1-40 037 CESO-S Boards of Investigation 31 May 91
EP 385-1-58 040 CESO Medical Surveillance Handbook 19 Mar 82
EP 385-1-95a 036 CESO Basic Safety Concepts and Considerations for Munitions and Explosives of Concern (MEC) Response Action Operations 27 Aug 04
EP 385-1-95b 050 CESO Explosives Safety Submission 28 Mar 03
EP 385-1-96 042 CESO-I USACE Ergonomics Program Procedures 01 Jun 00
EP 415-1-4 081 CEMP-CE NetworkAnalysis Systems Guide 31 Oct 97
EP 415-1-5 020 CEMP-CM Construction Contracts 1 Nov 97
EP 415-1-260 158 CEMP-CP Resident Engineer Management Guide 06 Dec 90
EP 415-1-261 (Vol 1) 107 CEMP-CE Quality Assurance Representative's Guide - General Information and Sitework - VOL 1 02 Jan 92
EP 415-1-261 (Vol 2) 068 CEMP-CE Quality Assurance Representative's Guide - Pile Driving, Dams, Levees and Related Items, VOL 2 31 Mar 92
EP 415-1-261 (Vol 3) 182 CEMP-CE Quality Assurance Representative's Guide - Architectural and Structural Features in Building Construction, VOL 3 01 Aug 92
EP 415-1-261 (Vol 4) 171 CEMP-CE Quality Assurance Representative's Guide - Special Construction, Conveying systems, Mechanical, and Electrical Features of Buidling Construction, VOL 4 01 Dec 92
EP 415-1-261 (Vol 5) 213 CEMP-C Quality Assurance Representative's Guide - Ground Water Extraction, Ground Water Treatment, Landfills, Soils Vapor Extraction, Slurry Walls and Solidification/Stabilization, VOL 5 15 Jul 97
EP 415-1-266 277 CEMP-EC Resident Engineer Management Guide (REMG) for Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Projects 31 May 00
EP 420-1-1 217 CEMP-CI Installation Support Handbook 31 Jan 92
EP 500-1-1 204 CECW-OE Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources
Civil Emergency Management Program - Procedures
30 Sep 01
EP 500-1-2 085 CECW-OE-P USACE Support in the Theater of Operations 30 Oct 95
EP 500-1-3 013 CECW-OE Emergency Operations 01 Jul 82
EP 500-1-4 019 CECW-MP Corps of Employee's Guide to Mobilization 01 May 82
EP 500-1-7 016 CECW-OE Logistics Civil Augmentation Program 05 Dec 94
EP 600-1-1 015 CEHR-HL Leadership Principles 01 Mar 89
EP 600-1-2 016 CEHR-HL Human Resources Strategic Actions 06 Mar 95
EP 600-1-3 016 CEHR-D USACE Drug Testing Procedures for the Army's Drug-Free Federal Workplace (DFW) Civilian Drug Testing Program 28 Feb 01
EP 690-1-9 029 CEHR-OP A Guide for Managers and Supervisors 01 Jan 82
EP 690-1-11 02 CEHR-E Command-Wide Recruitment and Outreach Materials (Transmittal Letter) 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (01) 007 CEHR-E The Spirit of Nation Building 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (02) 009 CEHR-E Employment with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (02-B) 002 CEHR-E Veterans Readjustment Appointments 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (02-C) 001 CEHR-E Selective Placement for Individuals with Disabilities 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (02-D) 001 CEHR-E Clerical or Secretarial Employment 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (02-E) 001 CEHR-E Maintenance, Trade or Craft Positions 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (03) 007 CEHR-E Career Opportunities with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (RD) 002 CEHR-E Mission Area Supplement - Research and Development 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (MF) 002 CEHR-E Mission Area Supplement - Military Facilities 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (ER) 002 CEHR-E Mission Area Supplement - Environmental Protection and Restoration 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (WR) 002 CEHR-E Mission Area Supplement - Water Resources 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (NR) 002 CEHR-E Mission Area Supplement - Natural Resources Management & Regulation 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (RP) 002 CEHR-E Mission Area Supplement - Recreation and Park Management 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (DR) 002 CEHR-E Mission Area Supplement - Disaster Relief 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (04) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Civil Engineering 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (05) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Environmental Engineering 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (06) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Human Resource Management 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (07) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Hydraulics 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (08) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Computer Specialist 25 May 93
EP 690-1-11 (09) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Mechanical Engineer 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (10) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Contracting 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (11) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Biologist 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (11) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Architecture 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (13) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Public Affairs 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (14) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Law 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (15) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Electrical Engineer 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (16) 001 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Real Estate 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-11 (17) 003 CEHR-E Career Profile Supplement - Park Management 1 Jan 96
EP 690-1-700 062 CELD-MS Logistics Training, Education, and Development System (LOGTEDS) 01 Dec 92
EP 690-1-807 017 CEMP-EA Training and Career Development Plans for Landscape Architects 19 Aug 94
EP 690-1-808 032 CEMPA-EA Training and Career Development Plans for Intern and Intermediate Level Architects 08 Jun 91
EP 690-2-1 078 CERPO You, The Corps and The Future: Employment Options Upon Reorganization 01 Nov 92
EP 690-2-2 041 CECW-ON Career Development Guide for Civil Works Natural ResourcesManagement Team Members 28 Nov 94
EP 690-2-3 029 CECW-EG Guidelines for the Career Development of Geotechnical Engineers 15 Feb 98
EP 700-7-1(FR) 084 CELD-S USACE Logistics Checklist for Internal Control Review 01 Dec 90
EP 715-1-1 014 CEDB Opportunities for Small and Disadvantaged Businesses 31 Oct 93
EP 715-1-2 014 CEMP-CE A Guide to Effective Contractor Quality Control (CQC) 01 Feb 90
EP 715-1-4 023 CECW-CE-D Competing for Architect-Engineer Contracts Awarded by the US Army Corps of Engineers 30 Sep 04
EP 715-1-5 060 CEMP-ES Architect-Engineer Contracting Guide - Hazardous, Toxic, Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Contracting 10 Aug 93
EP 715-1-7 175
Architect-Engineer Contracting 31 Jul 02
EP 750-1-1 136 CELD-MS Procedural Pamphlet for Material Maintenance Policies 30 Nov 97
EP 870-1-1 092 CEHO Historical Vignettes - Volume II 18 May 79
EP 870-1-2 058 CEHO Engineer Historical Studies Number One
(Journal of the Kearny Expedition of 1845)
01 Jun 79
EP 870-1-3 075 CEHO A City for the Nation: The Army Engineers in the Building of Washington, D.C. 01 May 79
EP 870-1-4 192 CEHO Vanguard of Expansion: Army Engineers in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1819-1879 01 Aug 80
EP 870-1-5 316 CEHO Engineer Memoirs - LTG Frederick J. Clarke 01 Jan 80
EP 870-1-6 418 CEHO Engineers of Independence: A Documentary History of the Army Engineers in the American Revolution, 1775-1783 01 Oct 81
EP 870-1-7 154 CEHO Engineer Historical Studies No. 2 Explorer on the Northern Plains: Lieutenant Gouveneur K. Warren's Preliminary Report 01 Oct 81
EP 870-1-8 362 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Lieutenant General Walter K. Wilson, Jr. 01 May 84
EP 870-1-10 105 CEHO Shaping Environmental Awareness: The United States Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Advisory Board, 1970-1980 01 Jan 83
EP 870-1-11 133 CEHO Engineer Profiles: The District Engineer Interviews with Colonel William W. Badger 01 Jul 83
EP 870-1-12 227 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Major General William E. Potter 01 Jul 83
EP 870-1-13 053 CEHO Financing Water Resources Development: A Brief History 01 Jul 83
EP 870-1-14 109 CEHO The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Environmental Issues in the Twentieth Century - A Bibliography 01 Jan 84
EP 870-1-16 139 CEHO "Dear Friends at Home..."
The Letters and Diary of Thomas James Owen, Fiftieth New York Volunteer Engineer Regiment, During the Civil War
01 Jan 85
EP 870-1-18 396 CEHO Engineer Memoirs - Major General Hugh J. Casey 31 Dec 93
EP 870-1-19 122 CEHO The Corps, the Environment and the Upper Mississippi River Basin 01 Aug 84
EP 870-1-20 189 CEHO From the Atlantic to the Great Lakes: A History of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the St. Lawrence Seaway 01 Oct 84
EP 870-1-21 150 CEHO To the Immortal Name and Memory of George Washington 01 Dec 84
EP 870-1-22 162 CEHO Engineer Historical Studies, Series No. 3 - Exploring Nature's Sanctuary: 01 Jan 85
EP 870-1-23 466 CEHO The Dammed Engineers 01 Mar 85
EP 870-1-24 123 CEHO Water Resources - People and Issues an Interview with William R. Gianelli 01 Aug 85
EP 870-1-25 294 CEHO Engineer Memoirs - General William M. Hoge 31 Jan 93
EP 870-1-26 448 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Lieutenant General Arthur G. Trudeau 01 Feb 86
EP 870-1-28 188 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Frederick B. McNeely 01 Jan 87
EP 870-1-29 134 CEHO The Evolution of the 1936 Flood Control Act 01 Jul 88
EP 870-1-31 316 CEHO Building Air Bases in the Negev - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Israel, 1979-1982 01 Nov 91
EP 870-1-32 177 CEHO Bridging the Imjin: Construction of Libby and Teal Bridges during the Korean War (October 1952-July 1953) 01 Aug 89
EP 870-1-33 279 CEHO Put 'EM Across: A History of the 2nd Engineer Special Brigade, 1942-1945 01 Jan 88
EP 870-1-34 415 CEHO The G.I. Journal of Sergeant Giles 01 Mar 88
EP 870-1-35 139 CEHO Interviews with Professor Arthur Maass 01 Jan 89
EP 870-1-36 123 CEHO Register of the Arthur Maass Papers 01 Feb 90
EP 870-1-37 088 CEHO The Nation Builders: A Sesquicentennial History of the Corps of Topographical Engineers 01 Jun 88
EP 870-1-38 073 CEHO Holding the Line: The 51st Engineer Combat Battalion and the Battle of the Bulge, December 1944-January 1945 01 Apr 88
EP 870-1-39 186 CEHO Engineers and Irrigation: Report of the Board of Commissioners on the Irrigation of the San Joaquin, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys of the State of California, 1873 01 Aug 90
EP 870-1-40 135 CEHO The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Natural Resources Management on Military Installations, 1941-1987 01 Oct 89
EP 870-1-41 149 CEHO The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Response to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 01 Apr 92
EP 870-1-42 608 CEHO Builders & Fighters - U.S. Army Engineers in World War II 18 Dec 92
EP 870-1-43 107 CEHO Water Resources People & Issues: Interview with Gilbert T. White 31 Jan 93
EP 870-1-44 096 CEHO Response to the Loma Prieta Earthquake 01 Apr 93
EP 870-1-45 158 CEHO The History of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 01 Jan 98
EP 870-1-47 024 CEHO Combat and Construction: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in World War I 30 Nov 93
EP 870-1-49 233 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Lieutenant General Edward L. Rowny 01 Dec 95
EP 870-1-50 249 CEHO Supporting the Troops: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Persian Gulf War 01 Oct 96
EP 870-1-51 288 CEHO U.S. Army Engineers in Hawaii: An Inventory of Records Before 1948 01 Aug 97
EP 870-1-52 310 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Lieutenant General Ernest Graves 01 Sep 97
EP 870-1-53 491 CEHO Designing the Bayous: The Control of Water in the Atchafalaya Basin - 1800-1995 01 Sep 97
EP 870-1-54 173 CEHO Franklin F. Snyder: Water Resources: Hydraulics and Hydrology 31 Aug 97
EP 870-1-55 190 CEHO Vernon K. Hagen: Water Resources: Hydraulics and Hydrology 31 Aug 97
EP 870-1-56 129 CEHO Water Resources: Hydraulics and Hydrology - Jacob H. Douma 30 Sep 97
EP 870-1-57 194 CEHO Defending America's Coasts, 1775-1950: A Bibliography 30 Nov 97
EP 870-1-58 307 CEHO After Desert Storm: The U.S. Army and the Reconstruction of Kuwait 04 Jun 99
EP 870-1-59 159 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Lt Gen Carroll H. Dunn, U.S. Army 01 Jul 98
EP 870-1-60 92 CEHO Water Resources: Hydraulics and Hydrology: Interview with Margaret S. Petersen 31 Jul 98
EP 870-1-61 250 CEHO Water Resources: People and Issues: Interview with Theodore M. Shad 01 Jan 99
EP 870-1-62 169 CEHO Water Resources: Hydraulics and Hydrology: Interview with Alfred S. Harrision 01 Dec 98
EP 870-1-63 304 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Lieutenant General John W. Morris Dec 00
EP 870-1-64 132 CEHO Environmental Cleanup at Former and Current Military Sites: A Guide to Research Nov 01
EP 870-1-65 559 CEHO Engineer Memoirs: Major General Richard S. Kem Oct 02
EP 1105-2-10 012 CECW-MP Six Steps to a Civil Works Project 01 May 90
EP 1110-1-3 025 CECW-EH-W Flood Tolerant Plant Species 31 Jan 80
EP 1110-1-7 016 CERD-C Land Treatment of Wastewater - A Natural Alternative 01 Sep 80
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 1) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region I) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 2) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region II) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 3) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region III) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 4) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region IV) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 5) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region V) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 6) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region VI) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 7) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region VII) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 8) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region VIII) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 9) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region IX) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 10) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region X) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 11) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region XI) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-8 (Vol 12) 435 CECW Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule (Region XII) 31 Jul 05
EP 1110-1-9 002 CECW-EG Liquid Limit Grooving Tools 26 Feb 82
EP 1110-1-10 006 CECW-ED Borehole Viewing Systems 21 May 82
EP 1110-1-11, Chg 1 143 CEMP-RT Abestos Abatement Guideline Detail Sheets 15 Jul 92
EP 1110-1-13 069 CEMP-RT USACE Guide to Military Programs Environmental Support 01 May 94
EP 1110-1-15 007 CECW-EG Cooperation with State Geological Surveys 31 Mar 94
EP 1110-1-16 534 CECW-EP Handbook for the Preparation of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans for Construction Activities 28 February 1997
EP 1110-1-17 053 CEMP-RA Establishing a Temporary Open Burn and Open Detonation Site for Conventional Ordnance and Explosive Projects 16 Jul 99
EP 1110-1-18 209 CEMP-RT Ordnance and Explosives Response 24 Apr 00
EP 1110-1-19 198 CEMP-R A Guide to Preparing and Reviewing Remedial Action Reports of Cost and Performance 30 Jun 01
EP 1110-1-21 013 CESO-I Air Pathway Analysis for the Design of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Remedial Action Projects 30 Oct 00
EP 1110-1-22 039 CEMP-RT Asbestos Surveys and Assessments - Standard Scope of Work 15 Sep 00
EP 1110-1-23 15 CEMP-RT Asbestos Abatement Air Monitoring - Standard Scope of Work 31 Jan 99 (original)
16 Sep 99 (errata1)
EP 1110-1-24 074 CEMP-RA Establishing and Maintaining Institutional Controls for Ordnance and Explosives (OE) Projects 15 Dec 00
EP 1110-1-27 090 CEMP-RA Operation and Maintenance of Extraction and Injection Wells at HTRW Sites 27 Jan 00
EP 1110-1-28 062 CEMP-RA Lead Hazard Risk Assessment for Target Housing/Child-Occupied Facilities - Standard Scope of Work 31 Aug 01
EP 1110-1-29 040 CEMP-RA Lead Hazard Clearance Inspection - Standard Scope of Work 31 Aug 01
EP 1110-1-30 043 CEMP-RA Pre-Design Lead/Asbestos Survey - Standard Scope of Work 31 Aug 01
EP 1110-1-31 063 CEMP-RA Combined Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment for Target Housing Property Transfer - Standard Scope of Work 31 Aug 01
EP 1110-2-7 015 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Risks 01 May 88
EP 1110-2-8 033 CECW-EH-Y Explaining Flood Risk 30 Apr 92
EP 1110-2-9 038 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Engineering Study Design 31 Jul 94
EP 1110-2-10 055 CECW-EH-Y Hydrologic Engineering Analysis Concepts for Cost-Shared Flood Damage Reduction Studies 31 July 94
EP 1110-2-11 059 CECW-EH-D Ice Jams Flooding: Causes & Possible Solutions 30 Nov 94
EP 1110-2-12 117 CECW-ED Seismic Design Provisions for Roller Compacted Concrete Dams 30 Sep 95
EP 1110-2-13 054 CECW-EP-E Dam Safety Preparedness 28 Jun 96
EP 1110-2-14 184 CECW-EH Monograph Prepared by M. Petersen on Inland Navigation and Canalization 30 Nov 97
EP 1110-3-2 469 CEMP-ET Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and Tempest Protection for Facilities 31 Dec 90
EP 1110-3-6 009 CEMP-ET United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Technology Transfer Systems 14 Aug 92
EP 1110-3-8 124 CEMP-RA Public Participation in the Defense Environmental Restoration Program (DERP) for Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS) 09 Apr 04
EP 1110-345-102 027 CEMP-ET Explosives Storage Magazines 31 Aug 95
EP 1125-2-1 236 CECW-OD Floating Plant List Change 1 30 Nov 76
EP 1130-2-310 019 CECW-OD Dredging Inspector's Instruction Guide Change 1 28 Jun 63
EP 1130-2-419 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in New England 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-420 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Mid-Atlantic States 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-421 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Southeast 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-422 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Great Lakes States 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-423 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Upper Mississippi Basin 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-424 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Central States 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-425 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the South Central States 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-426 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Great Plains 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-427 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Northwest 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-428 002 CECW-ON Lakeside Recreation in the Southwest 01 Aug 92
EP 1130-2-429 122 CECW-ON Volunteer Coordinator's Handbook 30 Apr 93
EP 1130-2-434 010 CECW-ON Interpretive Services and Outreach Program (ISOP) Strategy and Goals - Vol 1 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434 2 041 CECW-ON Interpretive Services and Outreach Program - Introductory Training - Vol 2 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434 3 157 CECW-ON Interpretive Services and Outreach Program - Evaluation Procedures - Vol 3 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434 4 239 CECW-ON Interpretive Services and Outreach Program - Environmental Education - Vol 4 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434 5 015 CECW-ON Source List for Exhibits 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434AR 001 CECW-ON Additional Resources 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434DI 006 CECW-ON Database Instructions 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434FS 002 CECW-ON Hiram M. Chittenden Award - Fact Sheet 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-434JS 003 CECW-ON Sample Job Standards 30 Sep 93
EP 1130-2-435 002 CECW-ON Day User Fee Program 01 Mar 95
EP 1130-2-500

12 Feb 02 - Errata # 1

220 CECW-O Partners and Support (Work Management Guidance and Procedures) 27 Dec 96

12 Feb 02 - errata #1

EP 1130-2-510 096 CECW-OM Hydroelectric Power Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures 13 Dec 96
EP 1130-2-520 132 CECW-OD Navigation and Dredging Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures 29 Nov 96
EP 1130-2-540 105 CECW-ON Environmental Stewardship and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures 15 Nov 96 (original)
04 Nov 02 (change 1)
EP 1130-2-550 128 CECW-O Recreation Operations and Maintenance Guidance and Procedures 15 Nov 96 (original)
01 Oct 99 (change 1)
01 Mar 02 (change 2)
15 Aug 02 (change 3)
EP 1145-2-1 023 CECW-OR U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program Applicant Information 01 May 85
EP 1165-2-1 380 CECW-AG Digest of Water Resources Policies and Authorities 30 Jul 99
EP 1165-2-2 022 CECW-I Indices of Interagency and International Agreements 20 Jul 98
EP 1165-2-314 089 CECW-PF Flood Proofing Regulations 15 Dec 95
EP 1165-2-316 003 CECW-ON Rules and Regulations Governing Public Use of Corps of Engineers Water Resource Development Projects May 2000
EP 1165-2-317 020 CECW-MP Hydropower: The Role of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 01 Nov 87
EP 1165-2-502 038 CECW-A Ecosystem Restoration - Supporting Policy Information 30 Sep 99
EP 1180-1-1 092 CECC-C Service Contract Act Labor Relations 01 Aug 01

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Page updated: 28 Apr 04

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